My 10 Strengths


Friday, August 26, 2016

Sidewalk Chalk Project

          For our first project in e9, we had to get in teams and create a flag that represented everyone on the team. First, we did a tiny bit of research on the psychology behind different colors. Each person decided on a color and a symbol that best represented them. Then, we had to figure out how we could put all of our symbols together in one flag. We brainstormed for a little while until someone came up with the idea to create a tree with a branch for each person to put their symbol on. After we figured that out, it was pretty easy to create the flag. We added a ribbon at the bottom of the tree as we were creating so we could all   have our names together and on the flag.

        When we finally went outside to create the final flag with chalk, it was a picture day and pretty rainy, so it was kind of hard to figure out how we were going to draw without getting dirty and wet. We basically just took turns drawing parts and then running under the overhang on the side of the school, which actually ended up being a good system for us. After we finished we decided to add the Northwest raven and ONW in the middle of the tree. Above is a picture of our finished project.

        On the flag, my symbol is the black heart with a blue outline. Black represents darkness and mystery and blue represents calmness and tranquility. I chose a heart,to show that I'm not just mysterious or something I also love my family and friends and am a relatively calm person.

        I think overall we worked really well as a team. We let every persons ideas be heard and were respectful of each other and didn't put all the work on one person. We all had pretty different personalities, but it actually helped with brainstorming, because everyone had different ideas.The only thing I would've changed is the colors we used on the flag, because they didn't go together quite how we thought, but that didn't really have anything to do with a lack of cooperation and teamwork. For me, it was a good experience and I would definitely do something like this again.

Below is a picture of our whole team working on the flag outside.