My 10 Strengths


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Social media's effect on college admission

                I thought the article we read yesterday was very interesting. It talked about how colleges are starting to look at the social media accounts of people applying for their school, often without telling the student. Sometimes after viewing social media accounts students are not admitted to the school and are not given a reason or a chance to explain. I think it was a good reminder that you should always be careful what you put out on the internet. Even if you don't plan on going to college, any job you have could look at your social accounts and fire you or not want to hire you in the first place. I think overall it just made me think about what I personally want to be letting the world see about me and what could potentially have a negative impact on my future career.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Handwriting Assignments

                This week in ecomm was all about handwriting and how it showcases personality. Our first assignment was to make a logo, using the rectangle tool on adobe illustrator, that was our name. It was a little bit challenging for me, because when I began creating my logo, everytime I tried to make shape, another would pop up that I didn't want. I ended up getting it made, though I had these setbacks. It wasn't as pretty as it could've been, but I liked the colors I used. I think the shape of the letters could be seen as quirky or not very neat, it depends on who is looking at it. Here it is below.

                    Our next assignment was to write our signature in our sketchbook and then write ten adjectives that described our personality. Then we had to write our name in 3 different fonts that fit with our character traits. My ten personality traits were; stubborn, empathetic, ambitious, reliable, passionate, punctual, different, indecisive, loyal, and analytical. I chose fonts that I thought represented different, passionate, and ambitious. I found the fonts by going to google images and searching "typography".Ultimately, I think it looks nice and represents me well..