My 10 Strengths


Friday, December 16, 2016

Quarter 2 Reflection

1.I think I am a lot better at graphic design than animation.I'm more creative than tech savvy so it's easier for me to design.I'm excited for video production and to see if I'm good at that.

2.I need to improve on using different programs and understanding them.I would like to make more clean and professional looking projects.I also need to time manage better.

3.I like doing sketchbook projects the best out of everything.I discovered that drawing is something fun for me and I would like to continue that.

4.I would try and do a lot better on my house project for animation and get the animation part of it finished.I feel it was not my best work.

5.I learned a lot more about what all goes into logos and animated movies and how it's much harder than you would expect.I also learned some good skills on communication and leadership.

6.My goal for next semester is to learn as much as I can about video software and how to use it.I hope to also keep my A and to keep loving this class.I am overall very excited of the rest of my e9 experience.

Web Design Questions

A.The process for this project was watching a series of six 15 minute videos and following the instructions.We used dreamweaver for building our website.It probably took me about 3 or 4 class periods to complete.

B.I made sure I got going on all of the videos and did the instructions as the video told me.I tried to get two done everyday.

C.Some of the things with coloring were a little bit hard for me.Overall,I thought this was our easiest project this quarter so I didn't have too many issues with it.

D.I learned a lot about what all goes into designing a website and how dreamweaver works.I also learned about code and that to be a web designer you have to know at least a little bit about how code works.

E.I liked doing this project and have a good outlook on the experienceI would probably enjoy working on something like this again.
