My 10 Strengths


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

interview blog

Feature Story Reflection

       Our assignment for this project was to get in groups and interview someone outside of class and do a feature story on them. Our first step was to figure out who we wanted to interview and what story we wanted to tell about them. After we chose a recently self published author and sophomore at ONW, LyLena Estabine, we wrote our interview questions for her. We tried to write questions that would get her thinking and prompt long and detailed responses. At the same time, we also wrote out our shot list so we'd know ahead of time how to set up the camera. When the time came to interview her, we chose to film in the ecomm side room between graphic design and animation so we could have a place to set her book next to her and so we could have a good background. The filming went very smoothly and only took one class period to complete. 
       Once it was all filmed, we were able to move onto editing. LyLena was a very animated speaker , and because of this we were able to get a lot of good footage, though this also made it more challenging since the interview was supposed to be around 1 minute and 30 seconds. Another issue, was that we had hardly any b-roll so it was hard to not have a lot of jump cuts between sound bites. We were also supposed to put voiceovers in, but I ran out of time so I wasn't able to have any.
      Everytime we do these projects, I learn a little more about how important time management is and being able to work on something without procrastination getting in the way. I also learned a couple new things in premiere that had to do with layering clips and cutting just audio out of certain b-roll. The only thing I would do differently If I did thing again, would be getting voiceovers put in, since it really ties a story all together. I think I did a good job picking out sound bites and arranging the clips to tell a story. Overall, this project went okay for me. I could've been a lot more organized and managed my time better, but I hope to improve on that in the coming projects and be able to make a polished finished product.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

interview project reflection

Feature Story Project

             Our assignment was to find someone in our assigned groups of 4 to interview about an interesting story they have. We first chose our person and then came up with interview questions that matched with the story she wanted to tell. We also figured out our location and the outfit she would wear when we filmed. We then filmed our entire video over the course of two days. We all took about one to two days edit and post the interview. Through this project I was able to learn how to use different effects on premiere tomato pictures fit the screen and look good with the video. I also learned how to add voiceovers to clips. I also learned how much time it takes to edit interviews like this and how to manage my time when making one. If I could do anything different I would make more time for editing and try to take less time to film. I'd also make sure the lighting was more consistent throughout the filming. I felt we did good job picking out questions to ask and creating an interesting story so I'd repeat that if I could. I think this project will help me in whatever projects I do next, because I will know how to make videos appear more polished and professional looking. Overall, creating this video was a good experience and I'm excited for our next assignment.

Monday, September 11, 2017

procedure video reflection

Procedure Video Reflection

        Our first assignment for the year was to create a 30 second to 1 minute long video over a procedure that is done in the school setting. We got to pick groups of 2 to work with us on the video. Once I got into my group, we came up with the concept for our video and put it into a storyboard which we then got approved by Mr. Cooper. After the storyboard was made, we decided on a day to film. We ended up being able to film all in one block period, which was helpful so we didn't have any continuity issues. The final thing we did was edit using Premiere Pro. Since we were all required to edit our own video. I was able to learn some new things about the mechanics of the software that I had never known before. I also learned how important it is to keep things on schedule, because if you get off schedule it can make everything fall behind significantly.

           In the future, I will try to work a little faster on getting filming done, so their is plenty of time for editing. We as a team also needed to work on having more close-up shots in our video, because only about 20% of our video had close-ups. Some things we did well was continuity, and getting all our edits to be clean and not choppy. These are both things I will make sure I do again next time. Overall, I'm pretty happy with this project and think I put forth good effort and was able tp learn some useful things.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

2nd semester final

4th Quarter Reflection

Our product we chose to make is called Live Stickers. Our company name was Imagination Station.Basically the product is stickers that after sticking on a hard surface can come to life, providing hours of fun.For this reason we decided to make our slogan "Pick,Stick,Live."

         We first made our commercial for the product. We took quite awhile deciding what the plot would be and filming so their was little time for editing. Because of this only 2 out of our 4 group members edited since we needed people also working on the graphics which we did next. In the graphics section I helped make the coupon and come up with concepts for designs. After that we went to animation and my teammates worked on sketch up and the animations for our video and I designed the website and made all the content for it.

        When it came time to present we felt prepared, but after seeing other groups go, we didn't because we didn't have a script written like many teams did. Ultimately, our presentation went pretty well for pretty much improvising the entire thing since we just had a basic outline of what to say. I think the only thing that would've taken our presentation to a higher level  was the use of some humor.

         I learned many things through this project. I learned a lot about time management primarily. It was something we sometimes struggled with as a group and I learned the importance of keeping on task and completing work thoroughly. Technically, I learned a lot about the Dreamweaver software since I spent a good chunk of my time on it and designing the website.

    Overall,I'm pretty happy with how everything turned out. I'm glad I got to do this project so I could  learn some valuable skills to take with me to future endeavors. It really made me excited to continue with graphic design and video next year!
 I think I've mostly used my time pretty well this year.Sometimes I did't and my projects suffered for it though. I almost never had a time that I finished early. If I did I looked back over my projects and edited anything that could've been made better.

       I've learned that my strengths in ecomm are editing videos and making websites.I've learned I don't have much of a knack for animation. I also have learned I need to improve on my procrastination and poor time management if I want to be successful. I tried to focus and not talk to friends to improve this area.

      In conclusion my favorite parts of this semester were finding my talents in video and web and making so many new friends through collaboration and teamwork. My goal for next year is to keep getting better at video and time skills. I'm excited for my sophomore year and all that I'll be able to grow in next year.

4th quarter group project

         Our product we chose to make is called Live Stickers. Our company name was Imagination Station.Basically the product is stickers that after sticking on a hard surface can come to life, providing hours of fun.For this reason we decided to make our slogan "Pick,Stick,Live."
         We first made our commercial for the product. We took quite awhile deciding what the plot would be and filming so their was little time for editing. Because of this only 2 out of our 4 group members edited since we needed people also working on the graphics which we did next. In the graphics section I helped make the coupon and come up with concepts for designs. After that we went to animation and my teammates worked on sketch up and the animations for our video and I designed the website and made all the content for it.

        When it came time to present we felt prepared, but after seeing other groups go, we didn't because we didn't have a script written like many teams did. Ultimately, our presentation went pretty well for pretty much improvising the entire thing since we just had a basic outline of what to say. I think the only thing that would've taken our presentation to a higher level  was the use of some humor.

         I learned many things through this project. I learned a lot about time management primarily. It was something we sometimes struggled with as a group and I learned the importance of keeping on task and completing work thoroughly. Technically, I learned a lot about the Dreamweaver software since I spent a good chunk of my time on it and designing the website.

    Overall,I'm pretty happy with how everything turned out. I'm glad I got to do this project so I could  learn some valuable skills to take with me to future endeavors. It really made me excited to continue with graphic design and video next year!


Thursday, February 23, 2017

Apple Observations

The apple looks like it would taste really good.It looks crunchy and sweet but with a hint of tartness.I think it’s a honey crisp apple.It’s making me hungry looking at it.You can tell this is an expensive and high quality apple.

Thursday, January 12, 2017

6 shots

                                       Wide Shot(The subject takes up the full frame, or at least as much as comfortably possible.)

Over the Shoulder(Looking from behind a person at the subject.)

Extreme Closeup(The ECU gets right in and shows extreme detail.)

Extreme Wideshot(The view is so far from the subject that he isn't even visible. Often used as an establishing shot.)

Medium Shot(Shows some part of the subject in more detail while still giving an impression of the whole subject.)

Wideshot(The subject is visible (barely), but the emphasis is still on placing him in his environment.)