My 10 Strengths


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

4th quarter group project

         Our product we chose to make is called Live Stickers. Our company name was Imagination Station.Basically the product is stickers that after sticking on a hard surface can come to life, providing hours of fun.For this reason we decided to make our slogan "Pick,Stick,Live."
         We first made our commercial for the product. We took quite awhile deciding what the plot would be and filming so their was little time for editing. Because of this only 2 out of our 4 group members edited since we needed people also working on the graphics which we did next. In the graphics section I helped make the coupon and come up with concepts for designs. After that we went to animation and my teammates worked on sketch up and the animations for our video and I designed the website and made all the content for it.

        When it came time to present we felt prepared, but after seeing other groups go, we didn't because we didn't have a script written like many teams did. Ultimately, our presentation went pretty well for pretty much improvising the entire thing since we just had a basic outline of what to say. I think the only thing that would've taken our presentation to a higher level  was the use of some humor.

         I learned many things through this project. I learned a lot about time management primarily. It was something we sometimes struggled with as a group and I learned the importance of keeping on task and completing work thoroughly. Technically, I learned a lot about the Dreamweaver software since I spent a good chunk of my time on it and designing the website.

    Overall,I'm pretty happy with how everything turned out. I'm glad I got to do this project so I could  learn some valuable skills to take with me to future endeavors. It really made me excited to continue with graphic design and video next year!


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