My 10 Strengths


Monday, November 28, 2016

10 words animation

Elevator Pitch

I am an e-comm student at Olathe Northwest with a talent for video production.I have been told by many people that I am creative and have artistic thoughts.I hope to gain many new technical skills through taking classes here at ONW.I'm a futuristic person who has strengths in planning and preparing for my future which helps me to take things seriously and work hard.With the skills I will learn I hope to keep growing my artistic side.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Youtube Video

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Monday, November 14, 2016

Arcs Animation

For our second project in animation,we learned how to animate a ball bouncing in an arc.We used the same squash and stretch principles but also learned what a ball bouncing in an arc looks like.This project was much easier for me than the last because I am starting to get familiar with the features of photoshop.

The new things we did was learn how to tween slides together.It was a little hard to figure out.It came out not as expected but not terrible either.I think in the future this will help me a lot with any presentation type projects that need to be done.

My finished product turned out well and taught me a lot about animation principles.I think I am starting to get the hang of this and am glad I can continue to develop my skills.

Ball Gif Project

Our first project in animation was to animate a ball bouncing up and down in Photoshop.By doing this we learned about the principles of animation which for this were squash and stretch.This is a principle of animation that says that a ball has to get narrower and longer as it goes down and flatten when it lands for it to look like it's bouncing.

I at first had a hard time getting this project started and going.I'm generally not a very tech-savvy person so things like this don't really make sense to me right away.I eventually started getting better at it as I continued on.I finished a little later than everyone else but I still got it done.

Overall,I liked this project.It helped me learn a lot of new things about computers and Photoshop.I'm glad  was able to do it and understand a little more about animation,something we deal with everyday.